Carrington and Grant’s first home included a small room they assigned impressive occupation: pantry, office, studio storage, guest room. It might have been a tight squeeze to fit in all the multifunctional glory, but I was consistently impressed and inspired by my time in those four cozy walls.
Now their home is taller and wider, and there’s more space to love. They’ve converted the garage to a studio for Carrington, and a walk across the garden brings you to the bright home for flowers and pretty things: a pink door, a fresh flower freezer, a framed picture of Grant running through a lavender field as a really little boy. It’s kind of magic.
They eat their own veggies and talk seeds at the dinner table. There are plants and fresh flowers everywhere, arranged with an expert hand an artist’s eye, grown by a farmer’s diligence. I tell them every time I’m around “This place is amazing and this isn’t how everyone else lives!” A farmer and a florist yield a certain kind of beauty, and their home is attractive evidence of both their crafts.
Opposite Carrington’s desk hangs a banner quoting Elsie de Wolf, “I’m going to make everything around me beautiful, and that will be my life.” That’s exactly what I think of when Carrington’s name and profession come to mind. From the cozy guest room in their starter house to the garden they’ve built from scratch in their current home, everything they touch seems to be growing and offering more than you could have imaged from its untapped potential.
I’ll be counting down winter days to see what spring blooms in the Winkelmann home!

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