I first met Ali and Rick back in November of last year. I remember chatting about their 2021 wedding after their long school day while sipping warm coffee from a Christmas Starbucks cup. Meeting them at the White Rock Lake in the summer heat couldn’t have been more different!
As it turns out, summer looks good on them too. (They’re teachers, so of course they’ve got a summer glow😉). I’m so glad we waited for this season to shoot their engagement photos. Ali’s pink nails and lips against her white summer dress and Rick’s blue are my favorite. There’s such a fun pop in every image.
We waited a good amount of time to shoot engagements, and we’ve still got a ways to go before their date. Back in November, we couldn’t have anticipated what a blessing it would be to already have a 2021 date planned. Just like I couldn’t have imagined the gap between November and their session, I would assume the time between now and their wedding date will be pretty unpredictable too. Praying all good and safe things for the time between now and then (including a full football season!).
Ali & Rick, counting down the days until I get to see you again under summer sun, next time with not only summertime but a husband & wife glow. I can’t wait to see how good married looks on you two. 💛

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